Northampton Brand Marketing

Northampton has a bright future thanks to the resilience of its businesses and the many people who work for them, and by pulling together we will ensure everyone’s success.

Recent work has been done to find out what makes the place tick, what people really feel about it, and where our greatest strengths lie. This found that there is an unshakeable bedrock of independence and innovation here on which everything else is built.

Northampton Forward, a partnership of private and public sector organisations created several years ago to help the town recover from the incredible challenges it faces, has spearheaded an approach which it hopes all organisations across the town will adopt.

This is not just a logo or a strapline, it’s an ethos we can all build into the way we talk about and react to the place we love so much. It can act as a frame to highlight what’s magnificent, what we really want people to see when they look at our town.

Based on thousands of opinions gathered during engagement over the past few years, the attached document outlines some advice on how this new approach can be adopted and applied, right from graphic design options to the kind of carefully chosen language that can really change perceptions.

It’s a light and engaging read, so please have a look and consider adopting the approach in your communications, share on social media, and simply use #Northampton to make sure everyone can find your content.

Download the Northampton Brand Guidelines

We Are Northampton is about the whole community working together to see the town reach its full potential, and a dynamic website has been created to host this.

There’s a huge amount to be proud of and we want to help you showcase your amazing projects to all who live here, the visitors we welcome, and potential investors for the future.

The Brand Development Story

Stage 1

In March 2020 NBC commissioned Tricolor Ltd to deliver a piece of research and consultation work as the first phase of the development of the Place Marketing Strategy for the Town.

This involved in-depth research conducted with a range of stakeholders, businesses, residents and people who live, work and study in the town, as well as capturing the views of those externally, to discover current perceptions of Northampton.

The aims of the Northampton Borough Council (NBC) Place Marketing Strategy for the town was to:

  • Increase inward investment
  • Increase tourism
  • Improve local perception and strengthening of civic pride

Stage 2 – Place Brand and Identity

Northampton Forward and West Northamptonshire Council commissioned a Place Marketing Strategy for the town which aims to increase inward investment, improve local perception and civic pride and increase tourism.

The findings of this analysis focussed heavily on the significant challenges facing the town centre and the need for improvements to be made. The report also highlighted a number of positive narrative themes to be explored in Phase 2 of the process.

As part of Stage 2 it was important to find a place brand and narrative to accompany actual development – both social and economic. The Place branding process gave Northampton an opportunity to reimagine and drive on its own favourable terms.

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